The Oregon Nurses Association, the Pacific Green Party of Oregon and the Democratic Party of Lane County are the first organizations in Oregon to publicly support a single payer health care solution to America's/Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis. They constitute the first three member organizations of the Oregon Coalition for a Single Payer Solution. Hooray! Bravo! and Congratulations to these courageous organizations.

Send words of encouragement here:

Oregon Nurses Association

Pacific Green Party of Oregon

Democratic Party of Lane County

Do you belong to an Oregon group - political, fraternal, religious, arts, sports, neighborhood, business, non-profit, union, any kind of group, that supports a single payer health care solution to America's/Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis? If you do tell me about it ASAP. I'll publish your group in future Oregon Health Watchers and it will become part of the Oregon Coalition for a Single Payer Solution.

President Barak Obama cannot succeed in bringing universal equal access to the same level of health care to all Americans/Oregonians, including veterans, unless he not only supports but fights like hell to achieve a single payer system. The so-called "public option plan" is a half-way, half-assed measure that cannot solve America's/Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis. Help send Barak Obama this message by way of Vermont senator Bernie Sanders who is on the right track. Contact Sanders here and vote for a single payer solution:

Now is the time to stand up and be counted

Richard Ellmyer